Trains, Big & Small MDC Roundhouse
3-truck Shay (Photo MDC Inc.)
  TRAINS × TRAINSPOTTING × LAYOUTS × RAKE GRUVA (H0e) × THE MILL (H0e) × PRODUCT REVIEWS × TIPS × LINKS Denna sida på svenska Updated 12 Apr 12 
The Mill an English style of layout with a fiddle yard in H0e (H0n30, HOe, HOn30).

The Mill a "new" Layout in progress (restarted in 2012)
An English style of layout with a fiddle yard in H0e (HOn30).

Follow how it evolves:

Go to report page: The Mill × 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 × 10 × 11 × 12 × 13 × 14 × 15 × 16 × 17 × 18 × 19 × INTRODUCTION


Mill Module

In August 2001 I decided that I should build a new layout based on the experience gained by building Rake Gruva (The Rake Mining Co.) I decided that I should document the progress of this layot also, but not at the same level as the previous layout.

General description:

  Name:                The Mill (Rakebruks järnbana(Swedish))
  Gauge:	       2½ scalefeet or 9 mm
  Scale:               1:87 H0e, also known as H0n30 & H0n2½  
  Size:                120 x 29 cm + 29 x 18 x 29 cm + ...
                       (Old size 190 x 30 cm (7' x 1')
  Prototype:           Freelance, narrow gauge
  Location:            Somewhere in Småland, Sweden.
  Period:              1920 - 1950 
  Layout style:        Moveable, English style layout with a fiddle yard and 
                       detachable legs.
  Layout height:       ca 13 cm (XX") with legs add XXX cm (XX")
  Benchwork:           styrofoam on a woodenframe
  Roadbed:             cork
  Lenght of main line: ca 3 meter (10')
  Track:               a mix of Roco H0e track
  Turnouts:            module 1: 5, module 2: 1, module 3: none = 6.
  Turnout minium:      approx. 15 degree
  Minium radius:       +30 cm (+1')
  Maxium grade:        0 percent
  Scenery:             styrofoam, "cardboard/posterboard", newspaper, 
                       plaster, furcloth, woodland scenic turfs, stones and sand.
  Backdrop:            hardboard
  Control:             DCC, Loconet(2004-2012 DC, Roco transformer.)
  Owner(fictional):    Miss F. Rake from Pikepeak
                       (Fröken F. Rake från Gäddberget(Swedish))

(Earlier trackplan, verison 1.)
(Earlier trackplan, version 2.)


  1. Introduction of the Mill and index
  2. The Trackplan and what´s what
  3. The Mill building
  4. The trackplan has been revised
  5. The final trackplan (2002)
  6. Basic construction (frame, background etc.)
  7. Construction has begun (frame, background etc.)
  8. The Roadbed
  9. Ready for track laying
  10. Electric block diagram
  11. The track is laid
  12. Module number 2, the rough landscape
  13. Module number 2, a coat of paint
  14. Awakening out of eight years of hibernation
  15. Converting to DCC
  16. End support for module connection
  17. Installing cable holders
  18. Track laying on the harbour module
  19. A curve module
  20. Fiddle yard train cassettes
Author: Peter Arneke
All photos by: Peter Arneke, except for the Shay at the top.
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Online since 23 Jan 01