In August 2001 I decided that I should build a new layout based on the
experience gained by building Rake Gruva (The Rake Mining Co.)
I decided that I should document the progress of this layot also, but not
at the same level as the previous layout.
General description:
Name: The Mill (Rakebruks järnbana(Swedish))
Gauge: 2½ scalefeet or 9 mm
Scale: 1:87 H0e, also known as H0n30 & H0n2½
Size: 120 x 29 cm + 29 x 18 x 29 cm + ...
(Old size 190 x 30 cm (7' x 1')
Prototype: Freelance, narrow gauge
Location: Somewhere in Småland, Sweden.
Period: 1920 - 1950
Layout style: Moveable, English style layout with a fiddle yard and
detachable legs.
Layout height: ca 13 cm (XX") with legs add XXX cm (XX")
Benchwork: styrofoam on a woodenframe
Roadbed: cork
Lenght of main line: ca 3 meter (10')
Track: a mix of Roco H0e track
Turnouts: module 1: 5, module 2: 1, module 3: none = 6.
Turnout minium: approx. 15 degree
Minium radius: +30 cm (+1')
Maxium grade: 0 percent
Scenery: styrofoam, "cardboard/posterboard", newspaper,
plaster, furcloth, woodland scenic turfs, stones and sand.
Backdrop: hardboard
Control: DCC, Loconet(2004-2012 DC, Roco transformer.)
Owner(fictional): Miss F. Rake from Pikepeak
(Fröken F. Rake från Gäddberget(Swedish))

(Earlier trackplan, verison 1.)
(Earlier trackplan, version 2.)
- Introduction of the Mill and index
- The Trackplan and what´s what
- The Mill building
- The trackplan has been revised
- The final trackplan (2002)
- Basic construction (frame, background etc.)
- Construction has begun (frame, background etc.)
- The Roadbed
- Ready for track laying
- Electric block diagram
- The track is laid
- Module number 2, the rough landscape
- Module number 2, a coat of paint
- Awakening out of eight years of hibernation
- Converting to DCC
- End support for module connection
- Installing cable holders
- Track laying on the harbour module
- A curve module
- Fiddle yard train cassettes