Trains, Big & Small MDC Roundhouse
3-truck Shay (Photo MDC Inc.)
  TRAINS × TRAINSPOTTING × LAYOUTS × RAKE GRUVA (H0e) × THE MILL (H0e) × PRODUCT REVIEWS × TIPS × LINKS Denna sida på svenska Updated 02 Dec 09 
The Mill an English style of layout with a fiddle yard in H0e (H0n30, HOe, HOn30).

The Mill a "new" Layout in progress (restarted in 2012)
An English style of layout with a fiddle yard in H0e (HOn30).

Follow how it evolves:

Go to report page: The Mill × 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 × 10 × 11 × 12 × 13 × 14 × 15 × 16 × 17 × 18 × 19 × INTRODUCTION

5th report
March 2002    The previous report × The next report

Basic construction (frame, background etc.)

The Module

A woodenframe with foam insulation as foundation for the landscape and the ballast. Foam insulation as side walls and roof and a board of masonite(1200 x 610 x 3 mm) as background. The masonite board increases the depth with 3mm and the length of the screw heads. The masonite board i bought was 1225 x 610 x 3 mm and was easly sawed with a foxtail saw. Save the piece which is leftover, it can be used to build bridges between the modules, I will come to that later.

Note: The depth of 290 mm is a limitation that comes from the shelf where I will store the module when itīs not in use. If you lack that kind of limitation use the whole measure of 300 mm instead and change the measurement of 260 mm for the woodframe to 270 mm, it will give you less leftovers.


The woodframe

The woodframe and measurements
for itīs parts.

I bought planed boards 15x68 mm in +3600 mm lenghts and sawed the part for the frame. I screwed and glued it together on a flat surface. I pre drilled and countersunk the screwholes, in all 12 holes. I used ordnary white carpenters glue.


Sawing the foam insulation

How I sawed the foam

Two boards of foam insulation are needed. The ones that I bought hade the measurements 1200 x 600 x 30 mm. I sawed them with the measurements in the figure. First i tried to cut them with a long sharp knife, but it was much easier to saw them with a foxtail saw. Its two parts for the bottom, on for the roof and two for the sides. The piece with the measurements 290 x 300 x 30 mm, I save it for the building of the fiddle yard module, which is on the trackplan.

The insulation board for the bottom are glued on to the wooden frame. I use a glue called CascoSet Extra(Liquid Nails should work), ask at your local supplier for advice. I press the boards onto the woodenframes with weigths while the glue sets. I used my toolbox and some heavy buckets of paint.


The modules and legs

Connected modules 
on legs.

Modules are going to be screwed together with bolts. The legs will be removable and Iīm thinking of using electricalpipes out of PVC with a diameter of 25 mm which i picked up for free at the locale recyclingcentral. You can buy them in lengths of 3000 mm for about 30 SEK (2,5 $). Furtermore will each module need itīs own lighting, the future will show how I solve that problem. (I Solved it for 50 SEK (5 $), will write more about it later.)


List of material and the cost, so far

Casco Set Extra (Liquid Nails should work)            54    SEK
Board Hard Impregnated Masonite 3.2x1220x610 mm       18    SEK
Planed Board 15x70x3600 mm                            24,50 SEK
Foam Insulation 30x600x1200 mm 2 for 41,38 SEK each   83    SEK
Screws 12 for         				       ?    SEK

                                              Total  180    SEK
                                           or about   20    $

Tools1 and such

Glue pistol (ca 25 SEK)
Maskingstape 25mm (ca 25 SEK)
Foxtail saw

1(Note that Im not 100% sure on the names in english for some of the tools.)

Author: Peter Arneke
All photos by: Peter Arneke, except for the Shay at the top.
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