The cheapest and fastest way to make nice modell trees is to start
from what nature have to offer, of shrubbs, gras, flowers and such.
Here is a list of some plants I have tried:
Name Latin name Plant part
Butterfly Bush Buddleja Davidii Pick the upper part of the flower
in Autumn. Use it as a whole tree
or bushes. Wait until winter and
pick them after that the small
dried brown flowers have dropped
of the flower stem and use the
stem as dead trees.
Goldenrods Solidago Pick the upper part of the flower
("Baby Gold") in Autumn. Use it as a whole tree
(canadensis) or bushes.
("Golden Wings")
(Shamrock) Hydrangea Pick the flower-stalks, cut of the
flower blades and use the stalk to
make large leaftrees
Hornbeam Carpinus betulus The green leaves are dried
Beech Fagus sylvatica indoors and crushed to make
foliage. A lot of work, try
sawdust coloured with stain
Lilacs Syringa vulgaris Pick sticks and us as timber
and stumps. Pick the flowers
in late autumn to make trees.
I will add more plants, pictures and a detailed description of how I
make the trees, when I get the time.