Trains, Big & Small MDC Roundhouse
3-truck Shay (Photo MDC Inc.)
  TRAINS × TRAINSPOTTING × LAYOUTS × RAKE GRUVA (H0e) × THE MILL (H0e) × PRODUCT REVIEWS × TIPS × LINKS Denna sida på svenska Updated 14 Nov 09 
  RAKE GRUVA (H0e) × LAYOUTS A very small H0e (HOn30)
layout in progress

Rake Gruva (Rake Mining Co.) A very small H0e (HOn30) layout

Follow how it evolved day by day:

An introduction × 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 × 9 × 10 × 11-13 × 14 × 15 × 16 × 17 × 18 × 19 × 20-24 × 25+26 × 27 × 28 × 29 × 30-34 × 35 × 36 × 37 × 38-40 × 41-54 × 55-61 × 62-72 × 73-76 × 77+78 × 79-83 × 84 × 85+86 × 87 × 88-90 × 91+92 × 93 × 94-98 × 99-106 × 107-112 × 113 × 114 × 115 × 116-121 × 122+123 × 124-130 × "Completion Day" × The latest pictures


Rake Mining Co.

In January 2001 I decided that I should build a layout, so I started buildning Rake Gruva (Rake Mining Co.) a small H0e layout. I decided that I should document the progress on a webbsite so that other could be inspired and the day by day list above is the result of that process.

 General description:
  Name:                Rake Gruva (Rake Mining Co.)
  Gauge:	       2½ scalefeet or 9 mm
  Scale:               1:87 H0e, also known as H0n30 & H0n2½  
  Size:                70 x 40 cm (28" x 16")
  Prototype:           freelance, narrow gauge
  Location:            Wooden hauses painted in red are typicaly 
                       Swedish, so somewhere in Sweden.
  Period:              1930 - 1940 
  Layout style:        Portabel tabel top, with no legs
  Layout height:       50 cm (20")
  Benchwork:           "cardboard/posterboard"
  Roadbed:             "cardboard/posterboard"
  Lenght of main line: less than one meter (3')
  Track:               a mix of Roco H0e track
  Turnout minium:      approx. 15 degree
  Minium radius:       15 cm (6")
  Maxium grade:        0 percent
  Scenery:             "cardboard/posterboard", newspaper, plaster,
                       furcloth, woodland scenic turfs and sand.
  Backdrop:            "cardboard/posterboard"
  Control:             Roco transformer, 1 cab.
  Owner(fictional):    Fröken F. Rake från Gäddberget
                       (Miss F. Rake from Pikepeak)


Author: Peter Arneke
All photos by: Peter Arneke, except for the Shay at the top.
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Online since 23 Jan 01